C4C promo on the Modern Evil Podcast

Calls for Cthulhu was recently promoed in the Modern Evil Podcast, a great place to go for podcasted fiction.

2 Responses to “C4C promo on the Modern Evil Podcast”

  1. The “hotstud” email address seems to have been swallowed by Cthulhu, so I hope it’s okay for me to post this here. I discovered the BEST CARTOON EVER!

    The Adventures of Lil Cthulhu

  2. Chris Lackey says:

    A little shameless self promotion here, but I’m the co-host of a sweet podcast called The H.P.Lovecraft Literary Podcast. It’s informative, funny and cool. Each week we go over a different story of HPL’s and talk about it’s content, background and what is says about the man. You can check it out at http://www.hppodcraft.com or just subscribe through iTunes.

    Love the site!