Calls For Cthulhu episode 9 Teaser

I know it’s taken a long time to finish Episode 9, and to the die-hard fans, I appreciate your loyalty and patience. In that vein, I wanted to give you guys proof that it is coming along, and a taste of what is to come. This is the teaser from Episode 9.

BTW, it’s a pretty geeky joke. If you aren’t familiar with Shatner’s “Rocket Man”, you may want to watch this first.


3 Responses to “Calls For Cthulhu episode 9 Teaser”

  1. Tara says:

    Hey thanks for the teaser =)

  2. Hastur says:

    Looks great. Waiting for the Episode. 😉

  3. fred says:

    I had my doubts that it would ever happen but now I see there is 102 uses for a toupe.